Pete Zahut - No JW thinks of Jesus' agony as physical punishment suffered vicariously for what they deserve for the things they do wrong every day.
Ask a JW why Jesus died and they will pontificate about Adam.
I disagree....
I don't know about "pontificating" but if you ask a JW why Jesus died, they will tell you that he died as a ransom sacrifice to buy back the life that Adam lost for all mankind. They believe that each of us has inherited sin from Adam and Jesus sacrifice covers that however they also believe that if they continually choose to willingly sin and think that they can just expect to be forgiven, they are greatly mistaken. They do not take the agony that Jesus went through, lightly. They don't condone a sin during the week and ask for forgiveness on Sunday type of attitude.
P.S. I'm not a fan of the Watchtower organization either but I think we should be accurate about the claims we make and we need to avoid condemn everything they say and do just because we're angry at them.